Sunday, November 8, 2009

Ugh. Too much going on lately. Measure for Measure closed yesterday, so at least I have that time back to myself. I have to write a 6 page paper for Wednesday (although I am almost halfway done) on the depiction of black women in film. The problem with that one is that I've used up 90% of my outline on the first three pages. Approximately 1,000 words left to go and little to actually write on. I also need to finish reading the Tempest (47 pages left to go) by Tuesday, memorize 14 lines of Shakespeare, and probably start studying for finals.

Stressful. The past two weeks have been crazy. I need to lock myself in the libe tomorrow evening. I have work right after I get out of class, but 5pm on will definitely be time for me to bond with the library. Speaking of studying: the weather has been SO nice lately. When it's above 55, the Bald Spot becomes the new libe. So many people were outside sitting under trees this afternoon in shorts and t-shirts working. It was beautiful :)

Connor, Tyler, Anna, and I are having "No Drink 9th Weekend" and spending this next weekend completely sober...a feat for a small liberal arts school, but definitely a wise choice. So I'm anticipating Semaphore (dance show), Knightingales concert (a cappella), bad movies, and probably too much Bejeweled. I'm looking forward to it. :)

I go home two weeks from Tuesday. I'm glad to be able to see my friends and family (and I miss my little sister Ellen SO much) but I'm going to miss school so much. I'm also afraid of forgetting all the French I know between Thanksgiving and New Year's. That could be a problem.